Tuesday 26 November 2013

Do you want to try something from the 80s fashion?

Change is the permanent thing in fashion:

What comes in your mind, when you think of the 80s? Certainly, the pop stars have their credits in setting the new trend on fashion with their outrageous outfits, accessories and hairstyles. Michael Jackson and Madonna were the two prime figures who ruled the 80s young men and women with their ultimate new avatars and albums. Sylvester Stallion has made the teens to give more conscious look on their physic. And of course, Diana is noted for her beautiful hairstyle, and her self-designed outfits. So, each part of the world has its own influence with its country men and women. 

People were inseparable from their transistors or radios or seemed to carry their walk-mans. They were so much addicted to songs and music, after all that was the only way, to spend their leisure and entertainment in the 80s. Movies like “Gone with the wind”, “Saturday night fever”, etc., set a new record in film industry and thereby earned the public interest and encouraged for a new mode of entertainment. So definitely art is gained importance in music, film and of course fashion by new colors and variations. 

Anyway, 80s is the period of new trends on various fronts of fashion. People were happy to come out in bold colors of dresses and use hot lipstick colors, funky punk hair style, leggings, happy pants, The yo-yo style of speaking and funky type of dressing is the notable feature of the late 80s and it is still remembered for its peculiar style. 

An era’s fashion lives in the dawn of new things in what you wear and what you do. So, why not try some ideas that been used in the 80s. After all, we tend to bring back the old fashion into our new time, like the old wine in a new bottle. If you like something of the 80s, be bold and act on, bring back the old charm. Who knows, you can be the new trend setter! Anything has a beginning, so it can start from you. You may gain some compliments.